ShowsSam Fitzpatrick
Film Maker and Writer History of Flint Documentary October 11, 2019 Sam joins Fish to discuss his role in the creation of the documentary "Flint: The 20th Century - The Vehicle City Rises”. Sam was the chief researcher and writer of this film, and, really, the driving force behind it. Fish was excited to play a big role in this documentary by being not only an on-camera interview, discussing the bright future of the city in light of its incredible history, but also as a research assistant and fact-checker for the film. The parts of the film that he wasn't allowed to fact-check make up the errata part of the interview today! :) You know with "Fish and The Flint Chronicles" you have to get the facts right - especially when it involves Flint history. That said, the film overall is a good recap of the basic issues the Vehicle City encountered, conquered, and profited from, during the first 75% of the century, as well as the challenges that nearly knocked it to its knees by the end of the century. By far the best part of the film, though, is its overall optimistic spirit which makes the surging downtown and economic revitalization such huge stories of resilience and strength. It's a great interview with Sam, and you won't want to miss it…OR the film he made!